Artisteer asp net
Artisteer asp net

artisteer asp net

Here is another way of working with the articles after you’ve exported your project from Artisteer: Then use this method to access controls in your code-behind, e.g:Ĭontrol c = YourArticleID.GetControl("YourTextboxID") TextBox tb = ("YourTextboxID") as TextBox Īlternatively, you can open the exported App_Code\Article.cs file and add a custom method specifically for this purpose:


If your article contains ASP.NET controls, please open the code behind page and write:Īfter that you can access controls using the FindControl method, e.g: Review their structure and use the same approach for your own articles:


Please feel free to choose the one you like best.Īrtisteer includes two sample articles into the exported Default.aspx page. Here are two different methods of adding articles to your application. To create a Vertical Menu, please add the following code block to the Return FindControl(item.ID.Substring(0, item.ID.IndexOf("_"))) as HtmlAnchor If (Regex.IsMatch(item.ID, item as HtmlAnchor

artisteer asp net

Private HtmlAnchor GetTopLevelItem(Control item) ("class", "active") Īnd another piece of code after the Page_Load function: HtmlAnchor topItem = GetTopLevelItem(item) Write the following code within the Page_Load function:

  • On the code behind page add using statement for regular expressions:.
  • They should be specified properly to help identify and highlight top menu items when their subitem pages are displayed in browser.
  • Add a menu with the following structure:.
  • artisteer asp net

    ((HtmlAnchor) item).Attributes.Add("class", "active") īelow are the steps to create a multilevel menu in your ASP.NET application: If (ResolveUrl(((HtmlAnchor)item).HRef).ToLower()

  • Switch to your code and loop through the controls to add "active" class to an anchor with href matching the current URL.
  • Where Default1.aspx, Default2.aspx, Default3.aspx are the content pages of your website.
  • Create a file called CustomMenu.ascx and add a menu with the following html structure:.
  • Please use the following approach to create a menu and apply Artisteer styles to it: Using ASP.NET templates Applying Artisteer style to horizontal static menu Creating a multilevel menu Creating a vertical menu Adding static content - method 1 Adding static content - method 2 Adding dynamic content Utilizing Menus Applying Artisteer active menu style to your horizontal static menu

    Artisteer asp net